AZ-1/Cara - Clutch Cables - Completed Oct 2023 - Available In Shop

July 2023:
New production clutch cables hopefully! I started this a while ago and got stumped due to cable places unable to provide a similar piece of angled mounting hardware. I sent my cable out to get that fitting drawn up to be made. Theoretically then these can be provided to the cable makers to finish the rest of the job! Stay tuned for updates to this too!

August 2023:
I found a producer of cables that has the same fitting (at least I think so) so I sent them my cable to confirm all the bits and pieces for production. Waiting on the part to arrive at their facility.

September 2023:
The cable manufacturer has confirmed they can produce this cable. I expect to have cables available in the shop page sometime in October/November 2023. Payment has been submitted to start production.

Soon this clutch cable for the Autozam AZ-1 PG6SA Suzuki Cara PG6SS will no longer be discontinued since I will have them available.

September 19, 2023:
The cables are all done! I am awaiting their arrival after they get shipped to me.

Mazda/Autozam part number: P100-41-150D
Suzuki part number: 23710-69DA0, 23710-69DA1

October 2, 2023:
The cables have all arrived! I will put a video and some photos here soon comparing the original Mazda cable and my new ones. They are available for purchase in my shop now!


New Thermostat Caps - Completed Sep 2023 - Available In Shop


Wavetrac LSD - Completed May 2023 - Available In Shop